Keep Reading To Find Out How To Get A Sneak Peak & Gain 



is a comprehensive real estate investing program i created, out of my own experience as an investor and entrepreneur, to ensure that results will be produced through this- easy-to-follow- system.


You will learn to quickly reproduce the results that took me 10 years to create, modify and perfect. 

--just so you know, I started in this business with No Knowledge, No Money & definitely No Experience. 

I have been fortunate to create millions of dollars in real estate using the strategies that will be taught to you within flip fundamentals.

In this training program, you will not only learn how to Flip Houses to generate Fast Cash, but more importantly, you will also gain a precise blueprint to building a sustainable investing model that can survive and thrive in any market.

see for yourself how even newbie investors are using these strategies to flip 10+ or more houses in their very first year without using any of their own cash. 

My Friend,

Are you satisfied with the life and financial freedom you've created? 

If not, I urge you to read on......

You see, the world and economy in which we live has changed forever.

The days of grinding it out in the workforce for 
20, 30 or even 40 years and retiring with a pension that will actually provide for you for the rest of your days are over. 

For some, this is frightening.

For others, it’s an incredible opportunity!

It all depends on your perspective.

You see, every major “shift” and change in 
our economy creates new opportunities and
wealth transfers that will occur.

By the way...

Did you know that more millionaires were created 
during the Great Depression than any other time in American history?

Guess what?

The real estate crash that started in 2008 wasn't far behind and it is still providing an opportunity for others to cash in even today.

And in case you haven't heard, there is a major real estate correction every 7-8 years and in my opinion, we are over due. 

You see, the real estate market has shifted again.

And guess what, it will continue to shift! Again and again....

Yes, the real estate market will always and forever continue to be cyclical and will repeatedly devastate millions of investors with every cycle change.

This doesn't have to be the case, but unfortunately, the majority of investors are 'one trick ponies' that aren't equipped with investing principles that can sustain and thrive in any market 

The investors that are equipped with proven fundamentals can see this and create massive amounts of wealth by flipping properties in any market but also being equipped with other buy-and-hold and cash-flow strategies so they're no longer victims to market cycles like so many investors have been before.

Just like those who saw opportunity in the Great
Depression...this is your opportunity to see it now in the real estate market. 


When I first began in real estate, I soon noticed that a majority of the investors that I met when I began we're no longer in the market a few years later.

It was simply because they weren't equipped with multiple exit strategies and their flipping methodologies weren't created to sustain them through the ups and downs of the market. 

*And they certainly weren't developed to generate long-term wealth.

They were gambling on the market to keep marching forward, and as we all know, the market is going to do what it is supposed to do: Change.

And in every market change, it's crushes those not equipped to handle the new frontier.

Their wealth is crushed.

Their dreams are slaughtered.

And it is 'game over' for them.

But it doesn't have to be this way for you.

I've spent the last 10+ years building a business model that is sustainable to last in any market.

You see, I love to Flip Houses and cash big checks. Sometimes over 6 figures (net) on single flip deals that you will see in this training.

I admit, It's one of my greatest business passions.

But what isn't so great? 

When a deal goes sideways and you have no other exit strategy for the deal.

But WHAT IF you had access to a training regimen that would show you specifically how to market for the exact types of deals that afford you the luxury to choose multiple ways to profit on each and every deal? 

It probably sounds a little conceited to say, but I do feel strongly enough to say that I have “found a better way” and the results are in my bank account and on my balance sheet.

Over the last few years, I’ve only shared these fundamentals with my private coaching students who have gone out and proven the concept by repeating these methods with similar results as mine.
And after 10 years, I've released this training for you to see in a program called…
To understand why Flip Fundamentals is not like any of the other programs out there, you need to first admit that if you limit yourself to only one investing strategy then it is just a matter of time until you are like the rest of the pigs and you eventually get slaughtered when the market shifts.

But when you learn how to Flip Houses IN ANY MARKET and have specific marketing campaigns bringing you the precise types of deals that have multiple ways to be 'flipped' or held onto as cash-flowing assets for the long-term, well my friend, you have just entered into the next level where the Wealthy of the World reside.

Some of you may be wondering why we call it 'Flip Fundamentals'. It's simple. 

One of the biggest reasons investors fail to succeed in creating a sustainable investing business is because of their inability to create cash on demand to overcome their cash-flow strains. 

We teach you how to generate massive amounts of cash in any market but at the same time giving you the ability to create wealth as you begin to grow and stabilize your business.

So come on in, the water's just fine...
There Are 7 Fundamentals You Will Need To Create Wealth In 
Real Estate
Just like in all fields of human endeavor, your attitude and mindset will dictate how far you will go and how much you will accomplish. What separates those who will thrive from those who will collapse under pressure, is not only the individual’s personal experience and knowledge, but also (and perhaps, more importantly) their personal mindset and determination.

Brant will show you how to develop business focus, clarity and a winning Mindset that will translate into you creating investing success.
You must quickly learn how to create deal flow in your business, or you don't stand a chance. Not only will you learn how to set up Direct Marketing campaigns, but you'll also learn how to utilize OPT (Other Peoples Time) to bring you deals. 

Brant will also show you how to open up multiple Deal Flow "Lead Valves". 
The idea is simple: the more deals that are flowing to you, the more opportunities you will have to Do Deals and the greater ability you will have to 'cherry pick' only the very best deals for your specific market and business model.
The first step in Estimating Repairs is simply to determine WHAT needs to be repaired and to this end, you should always consider repairs that MUST be done, repairs that SHOULD be done and repairs that may be done to WOW prospective buyers.

Learn the difference between making a Blind Estimate and an Accurate Estimate and become an expert at doing both – this will help you evaluate deals effectively, quickly and accurately and help you to prevent losing deals because of a lack of estimating systems and knowledge. 
You will learn the critical factors that will help you determine whether or not to proceed with a particular deal: After Repair Value, Comparative Market Analysis, Days on Market etc. Knowing all these factors will help you ensure each deal you take down will yield profits.

Better yet, you will learn how to Evaluate your deals quickly and easily using Brant's system. He will show you how to analyze each deal with four options to make money via 4 income streams from single family homes.
Learn how to use O.P.M. (Other people’s Money) for your deals. Not having money to invest is NOT an excuse! Become familiar with all of the available funding sources you can use to close your deals, such as: banks, hard money lenders, other creative options.

But make no mistake about, Brant is all about raising private money and the bottom line is that Brant will show you exactly how he's raised millions of dollars to run his business with an incredibly simple to execute system.
Learn Brant's unique system of '5 Phases of Rehab' and how to integrate them into your business to assure that your renovation projects move smoothly, on time and on budget.

Brant will walk you through, step by step to show you how to build a rehab model focused on meeting the 3 Goals of every Rehab: Budget, Time & Quality.   
YES, you are going to learn every intricate detail about how to Flip Houses for Fast Cash. But you will learn so much more inside of FLIP FUNDAMENTALS. Additionally, you will be shown how to create a business that allows you to thrive in any market by focusing on deals that provide at least four ways to generate income: 
Creating a business with multiple ways to generate income is fundamental, and once learned, your business will do more than simply generate income, it will have allowed you to build a machine that creates your Passage into Wealth.
And while I understand that I’m not the only person in the world that’s figured out how to create wealth through real estate investing, I'm very proud of the fact that I've created a system that has been proven to work for ANYONE.

YES–This system works regardless of age, experience, or financial background–you and others all have equality and ability to profit from the training contained within FLIP FUNDAMENTALS.

These Flip Fundamentals can be applied by ANYONE:
Retirees or Soon-To-Be Retirees
Stay-At-Home Moms
College Kids
Office "Slaves" Trying To Escape Their J-O-B
Creating Cash Flow Generating Wealth 
This system works for anyone who is willing to do the work. 

It has been proven a countless number of times and this system has been tested to be truly universal because it doesn’t matter where you come from or what your background is.

You don’t need a college degree.

You don’t need capital to invest.

You don’t need to be great with computers or a "techie".

No matter what your background is. Whether you’re an architect, a chef, or a contractor, soccer mom…it doesn't matter, because you can execute the Fundamentals and begin to create cash flow and wealth through real estate investing. 

And the answer is YES…these Fundamentals are SIMPLE and SCALABLE.

This means that you'll be able to quickly ramp up your business as you learn how to apply the Fundamentals in your business. 
Spend More Time 
Doing the Things You Love
With the People You Love
These Fundamentals Are About Much More Than Just Making Money

Simply put, these Fundamentals allow you to create a life worth living.

Just Imagine…

Living life on your own terms 

     Being able to control your time 

Doing something you enjoy while helping others

 Creating income and wealth and being able to enjoy it

     Traveling the world while your business continues to produce income

When you apply these Fundamentals, you will become your own boss.

You will create a life and business that generates Wealth, Freedom and ultimately, 
a legacy that you can pass onto your loved ones. 
Now, at this point you’re probably wondering who I am and what qualifies me to bring you this course.
My name is Brant Phillips and I'm a full-time real estate investor, business owner, business coach, speaker and bestselling author. 

I have been featured on Fox News as a Real Estate expert and host local seminars and training events.

But more importantly, I'm a husband and father of 5 incredible children. And they are truly my motivating force for creating success.

But my journey began while I was living in an apartment, my wife and I had only 1 child at the time, but we had absolutely no money and no real estate experience.

Nevertheless, I was able to purchase my first investment property using a credit card. 

I went on to buy 10 properties that same year utilizing no money down strategies (that I will teach you in this training) and since then I've purchased, renovated, flipped and rented hundreds of homes and own a portfolio of rental properties in the millions. 

I continue to flip houses to this day and take part in a variety of real estate investment projects, including new home construction and new development.

I am an active real estate entrepreneur, and owner of a coaching and consulting business. I am not some 'used to be' Guru just trying to sell info products. 

As a matter of fact, one of my other companies, Invest Home Pro, was recognized by Inc. 5000 as one of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies.

But through all of my active pursuits I am first, and foremost a husband and father to my wonderful children, and I truly have a passion for helping to educate and inspire people to obtain their goals and help build the motivation to go out and achieve success investing in real estate.

Teaching others how to obtain the freedom and success that I have achieved through real estate investing, has truly been one of the greatest experiences in my life. 

That is, seeing others use what I've taught them to go out and create similar results for their business and their families. 

That is what it's all about.
I continued improving my method and scaling up my business to what it is today– a multi-million dollar investment company.

And in my course, FLIP FUNDAMENTALS, you will learn how YOU can use my EXACT METHOD to create a substantial income without the hassles of running a traditional business.
This is where the Sales Pitch Ends.

I suck at writing copy for pages like this anyways.

But I'm pretty darn good at Flipping Houses and making money in real estate. 


Because if you are, then this course should be a no-brainer.

Now …
The information in this program is so valuable that I really had a hard time deciding what to charge for it. Considering people can apply these methods to become millionaires, I could (and should) charge a lot more. But I’m not going to do that …

I want Flip Fundamentals to be a best-seller and I want thousands of people all over the world to use these Fundamentals to succeed in the new economy.

So for that reason, I’m only going to charge you $1 for the introductory course. 

Yes, you will gain access to peak behind the curtains for only $1.

But that’s not all.

When you access your introductory course, in addition to everything else included in this program, I'm also tossing in a training I did that shows you Step-By-Step: 
Yes, people have become Millionaires using the systems provided within Flip Fundamentals
Let me repeat that…

Regular people (just like you) have become Millionaires with the strategies that are shared inside this training.

And, YES, once again, this system works even if you are starting with no experience and no cash.

But you have to be willing do DO THE WORK.

You are willing to work right? 

If not, then this isn't for you.

It is only for those who are willing. But if that is you, then you will have the exact blueprint to go out and simply execute the steps to begin your journey to live like the 1%.

But first, you have to get your trial of Flip Fundamentals …
A roadmap to investing success
But I encourage you to Hurry! 

I may stop giving away FREE access to the Flip Fundamentals introductory training at any time. 

Click the button below now to access the introductory training.

*Btw, We can’t wait to hear your success story and see your before and after pics. So be sure to keep us posted and email them to us when you’re done. And never hesitate to ask us any questions you may have. We’re here for you every step of the way.
All the best,

Brant Phillips

P.S. Remember my friend, while this program is about making money, it's really about creating something more important than that, which is Freedom. Your personal and financial freedom. You either have it or you don't, and if you don't, trust me, you want it. But I've done all I can do, the rest is up to you go create it by taking action.
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13313 Southwest Freeway #208 Sugar Land, Tx 77478